

Spring is blooming | Tongtai Weirun Factory Shows New Capacity

Release date:2020/04/01 Browsing volume:4175 Source: Shandong province and Tai Wei run Food Technology Co., Ltd.


March! Spring is blooming! Rebirth. In the past period of time, the people of the whole country joined forces to fight against the epidemic. The dawn is now, and victory is in sight! The new spring brings good hope to people and also conveys warmth to everyone. In the sodium benzoate manufacturer Tongtaiweirun factory, the vitality, green leaves and buds, and the appearance of flowers and buds appear in front of you and me.


The light greenness renders the breath of spring, and the faint floral fragrance is refreshing and refreshing. Spring brings people a sunny mood, walks through the scorching winter, walks through the tense winter, and gives the world a warm beauty.



Looking around the roads in the factory area, surrounded by green pines and trees, the streets are wide and bright, spotless, all kinds of flowers and trees are racing to blossom and sprout, and the park is alive with spring. The plants and trees here, under the care of the Taiweirun family, thrived and added color to the entire plant. The spring breeze spurred the grass and blew the treetops, making the whole world alive. Walk into nature, let your body and mind be free, shake your spirits, and relax your muscles and bones, drive away the tense breath of winter, and usher in a spring of entrepreneurship! (sodium benzoate)
